Why Blog?

This year I've decided to put a bit more effort into this blog and also try build up a website. At this moment I have zero readers to this blog. So it feels a bit stupid. At the moment I probably wouldn't be coming around to read my blog... So what is the point of doing it? Well, I think there's a few reasons to do it. At the moment my RSS feed probably has around 100 subscriptions. I love reading people's blogs. If I find a really interesting person, I don't care how good their photos are. If they don't have a blog, I probably won't give their website more than two minutes. Flickr is said to host in the order of 5 billion photos with numbers like 200 000 photos uploaded every day. And out of all those I can tell you there is a high percentage of high quality photos. That's only 1 website. So there are no shortage of photos in the world. A blog is a more personal thing. I love to see images, but in a blog there's a story to learn about the image. I also find that the best photographers are not the ones that keep all the secrets to themselves. The best photographers recognise that they learned from people that were willing to share and so they willing to share themselves. I'm no where near what a consider a good photographer but we all have stuff to share on different levels... So whatever its worth, this is my place to share what I learn with anyone who wants to learn with me.   

With that, what I wanted to do is share a couple of blogs that I've really enjoyed reading over the past few years. I'll try not to talk about the obvious choices like strobist, digital pro talk, chase jarvis, joe mcnally, etc.

Ok so here we go:

One thing that I has really changed the internet is the use of videos. And one blog that has really embraced this is Fstoppers. Basically they host videos of all sort of photo shoots submitted by their readers. It has been super inspiring to see what effort people put into creating a shot and has shown me that good photographs don't happen with the click of a button. 

One of the nicest wedding blogs I've found: Joe Elario Photography

This next one I came across in the past week but I love it. This guy was in the fashion industry and now he's a street photographer but he photographs people's fashion. Post a photo every day and its fascinating! Its called The Sartorialist...

And the last one for today is a young South African who is a fantastic landscape photographer. Check out his work... Its really inspiring. Hougaard Malan.


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