Photo viewer for Mac

I recently got a Macbook Pro and one of the things that has been bugging me is that there is no way to quickly preview photos. Yes, there is "Preview". But its rubbish. If you want to look at more than one photo you have to highlight them all before you open them.

Didn't want to use i-photo as you don't always want to import photos. What if you plug in an external drive and you want to quickly browse through some photos?

On windows I've really enjoyed using Picasa. It comes with a built in photo viewer that works great! Even allows you to open raw files. So I tried Picasa on the Mac only to find that the "Picasa photo viewer" is not supported on Mac. Don't ask me why. The annoyances of Apple.

So did a bit of scratching around and found a program called Xee. Really nice little program that pretty much does what I need it to do. Click here to try out yourself. What program do you use? Leave a comment and let me know!

Here's a quick screengrab of Xee in action... You can quickly browse through all the photos in the folder you clicking CMD and the left or right arrow keys...


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