The WCC Weekly Roundup
Street Photography free eBooks

Check out these two free ebooks on street photography by Thomas Luthard. I really loved his 'sharing' philosophy... This is what he had to say about why he keeps his books free:
"There are a lot of people who ask me why I don’t charge for my eBooks. There are several reasons for that. First of all I have a full time job, which feeds me more than enough. I also have the latest gear available to perform Street Pho- tography. I’m happy with my life so far and more money would not make me happier. Also my photos would not get any better with more money in my pocket. It makes me happier investing my money in a good thing than spend- ing it for myself. That’s why I donate some of my money, invest it in other people and write free eBooks. If you still believe that I should better ask for money for this eBook, you have not understood what life is all about. Life is not about money, it’s about friendship, happiness and good photos."
How bad you want it?

This video has nothing to do with photography but if you looking to be inspired then it certainly applies. I could easily watch this video every day... Reminds you that hard work's the only way...
If you not a regular on the FStoppers website and you enjoy behind the scene videos then I really recommend it on Wednesdays. They have a choice of some of the best BTS videos for that week.Click here to go to this week's choice...
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