The WCC Weekly Roundup

Hi guys, sorry about the long break in posts. I have been away on holiday for the last couple of weeks and was pretty much out of touch with computers...


First of all, thanks to all the guys that organised and helped with the outing Tuesday night. I couldn't believe how well attended it was and how enthusiastic everyone was to get shooting. I think we all learned something new and were inspired to try out new things...  Very big well done to everyone involved there!

Nat Geo

If you have DSTV and you going to be home on Saturday night, National Geographic are airing a show called: "National Geographic's Most Amazing Photos". Its on this Saturday (16th) on Channel 260 at 8pm.

Dave Hill

I think Dave Hill is by far my favorite photographer out there... He has such an amazing and unique style. If you want to be inspired, go check out his portfolio... He also has a blog, and loads of very cool behind the scenes videos. In these behind the scenes videos, you will see just how much work goes into creating his images....

Photoshop Actions

Photoshop actions not only save you time by allowing you to record repeated actions, they are also a good way to prototype with some different ideas. Often running quickly through a set of different actions can allow you see some unexpected results which can lead to the beginning of your masterpiece... Check out this "Ultimate Collection" photoshop actions from PSDFan.

If you new to actions, there is no shortage of help on the net... Here's a link to a video tutorial explaining how actions work. From there you can keep watching the hundreds of other videos available...


HDR... you other love it or you hate it... If you not quite sure and you would like to experiment with HDR, I found a very nice set of tutorials from 'BlameTheMonkey'. Its a set of 5 tutorials. (3 part "Intro to HDR photography" & 2 part "Handheld HDR Photography" tutorials)


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